Occupy Dame Street has today learned from media organisations and An Garda Síochána that the Central Bank of Ireland plans to seek a Court Order tomorrow morning in an attempt to stop the legal, legitimate and law abiding protest taking place. We have at all times sought to engage the banks in constructive dialogue about our concerns about the plight of the Irish people and society and remain ready to do so.

The campers intend to seek audience at the hearing and stand up for their rights to protest peacefully in what is considered a public place.

We need people at the four courts in the morning, Monday the 21st of November 2011 at 9.30am, for support. Meet outside the main entrance.

The camp has been up and running for 6 weeks and we have been good neighbours and have met many good neighbours. We do not know what has changed?

Press release:

Please take the trouble of sharing this event and please take the trouble of inviting your friends to this event.

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The bank seeks to Evict - #OccupyTheFourCourts, 5.8 out of 10 based on 9 ratings

One Response to The bank seeks to Evict – #OccupyTheFourCourts

  1. Kerry says:

    I hope that a lot of people showed up to support you today. I am sorry that I could not be there. I am part of the spectacle of defiance and hope whic will be taking place on December 3rd. It will be passing Occupy Dame Street and will be stopping there to show solidarity with your cause before continuing on to O’Connell Street. I know that Occupy Dame Street is in support of the Spectacle so I really hope you are still there on the day of the demonstration.

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